How to Implement and Cultivate Your 2017 Strategic Staffing Plan

2017 staffing plan


You’ve reviewed last year’s staffing goals, challenges, and accomplishments. You’ve developed a new strategic staffing plan for 2017 to build on past successes. But now comes implementation time. You don’t want your plan – that you’ve invested days and weeks into – sitting in a drawer, collecting dust. What should you know before you make a move? Here are a few quick tips:

Make sure there’s leadership buy-in.

As one of Kansas City’s top staffing agencies, Morgan Hunter knows that in some cases leadership can be reluctant to make big waves and implement new strategies. But getting buy-in and assistance from key executives is crucial. After all, they set the tone for the company at large – and therefore can influence how well staff will embrace a new plan.

Take a gradual approach.

If the new plan is completely different from plans of the past, then consider a gradual approach when implementing it. This may include introducing one new feature at a time so both leadership and employees have time to get used to each.

For instance, if there’s a new performance evaluation process, hiring process, pay scale, and restructured compensation packages, don’t present everything at one hour-long meeting. Present one at a time in order of importance over a series of weeks. Otherwise, you’ll risk overwhelming your team.

Monitor and measure success often.

If you want to get the most from your strategic staffing plan, you have to monitor it often and measure results. Your first step in doing so is defining exactly what the measurable objectives are and what outcomes you’d like to see. For instance, don’t be so general with objectives like “meeting staffing needs throughout the year.” Rather, get as specific as possible, such as “fill five data entry positions in IT department,” so they’re easy to measure.

Be flexible.

If you’re monitoring and measuring, then it may be apparent at times that you need to modify your plan. For instance, halfway through the year, if sales figures and demand are much higher than expected, then it may be time to consider hiring more people than you initially budgeted for, or partnering with a contract staffing agency to bring in contingency workers. It’s also important to keep an eye on any legislation that could impact the cost of existing employees or hiring new ones.

Establishing a staffing plan with smart goals and objectives is important for the success of any company. However, if it’s not properly implemented, it’s rendered meaningless. Follow the tips above so you can put your staffing plan into action in 2017 – and boost your company’s overall bottom line.

Need more help creating and implementing a strategic staffing plan?

Call the experts at Morgan Hunter today. As one of Kansas City’s top staffing agencies, we can help you with the process from start to finish so you can get the most from your plan. Contact us today to learn more.