Employee Spotlight: Adele Hoch

employee spotlight


Every two weeks, we highlight one of our amazing recruiters so you can get to know the Morgan Hunter team a little bit better. This week we spoke with the Adele Hoch, Senior Recruiter and Team Leader in our Administrative Division!


What was your first job?

After I went to college at KSU, I got a job working as a Staff Accountant. It involved a lot of debit and credits, reconciling, and journal entries. It was not my favorite job, but I learned a lot about what I enjoy doing and where I wanted to go with my career.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?

I would love to play the guitar. Or be an animal trainer. Or a professional baseball coach.

Got any favorite quotes?

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis

Do you have a favorite charity that you wish more people knew about?

Yes! I am involved with Gift of Life! Gift of Life is a local non-profit organization that touches more than 30,000 people annually through two programs: Life Savers and Transplant Mentors. Life Savers educates teens about the importance of organ donation, and Transplant Mentors provides support to those waiting to receive a life-saving transplant. Check out the website — giftdonor.org.

Do you collect anything?

Yes! Magnets! I always buy one in each place I visit.

What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

Lots of protein and vegetables! And Bubly sparkling water.

What should employers expect in the 2018 market?

The job market is going to continue to be competitive. Candidates are going to be at a premium, so the interview process is going to be more important than it has been in the past.

If you could provide one tip to job seekers what would it be?

I would encourage job seekers to listen! It is important to have examples of your experience ready to talk about, but let the person conducting the interview lead the conversation. Do not overshare! Some of the most common feedback I receive from clients involves candidates talking too much, and sharing too much personal information. Don’t be that person!


If you are a job seeker or employer who would like to get in touch with Adele, email ahoch@www.morganhunter.com or call 913-409-1205.