Identifying Employees Who Have Growth Potential

You know that promoting from within offers a host of benefits. Not only are you hiring someone who is a known entity and a fit culturally for your company, but the learning curve is also shorter. Likewise, having a policy of promoting from within has a positive impact on your employment brand, as well as morale among your staff.

That said, how do you determine which employees have what it takes to move up in your company?

Here are 7 signs to look out for:

Sign #1: They can deal with risk.

As one of the leading recruiting firms in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter knows that employees with growth potential can typically take on some risk without stressing too much. They understand that risk is necessary and can oftentimes yield big rewards.

Sign #2: They’re focused on results.

These are the employees who are able to cut through the clutter to the heart of the matter and offer a solution for the problem, while others are diverted or talking in circles. They’re focused on doing whatever it takes to deliver the desired results.

Sign #3: They’re enthusiastic.

Employees with growth potential are enthusiastic and passionate about their jobs. They bring a high level of energy to the table and demonstrate regularly that they’re fully committed to company success.

Sign #4: They’re good communicators.

These are employees who know how to articulate their ideas in a persuasive way. They can quickly see and effectively communicate the benefits and drawbacks of proposed solutions. They also know how to offer constructive feedback in a diplomatic way.

Sign #5: They’re willing to accept new challenges.

Employees with growth potential are always on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities. They’re the ones that regularly volunteer for projects or tasks, even when it’s outside of their job description.

Sign #6: They’re open to suggestions for improvement.

Just like they can dish out feedback, a high growth employee also knows how to take it. They’re willing to look at new ways to do things better and never simply adhere to the “status quo” just because that’s the way it’s always been done.

Sign #7: They work well as part of the team.

These are the employees who understand not only how they contribute individually to the success of the company, but how others do, as well. They’re quick to give credit when it’s due and are always up for coaching or mentoring younger or less experienced employees. They’re focused on the big picture and what they can do to make the company as successful as possible.

Need Help Hiring Employees With Growth Potential?

If you do, give Morgan Hunter a call. As one of the leading recruiting firms in Kansas City, we know where to look to find candidates with proven abilities and the drive and determination you need to deliver positive results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.