With college graduation just behind us, you may be experiencing an increase in resumes from recent grads. While many are eager and ready to learn, they also pose a challenge for employers looking to hire them due to their lack of work history. But as a leading Kansas City staffing services firm, Morgan Hunter knows there are steps… Read More »
HR and Hiring Best Practices
A Recipe for a Good Hire
Imagine this scenario: You just hired the smartest guy in the room. He’s bright, articulate, has a brilliant background…and he doesn’t get along with anyone in your office. In fact, he’s causing divisions wherever he goes. Not a good thing. But you hired the top job candidate. So what gives? When it comes time to… Read More »
When a New Hire is Failing on the Job
The candidate looked great on paper, knocked it out of the park in the interview, and assured you they could hit the ground running if hired. Six months later, they’re barely meeting expectations. So who’s to blame? Well, you might be. As a leading staffing agency in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter knows that many managers tend to think… Read More »
The 5 Deadly Sins of Hiring
As a leading staffing agency in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter knows that good employees can give you the edge over your competition; bad employees, on the other hand, can cost your company big time. So how can you ensure you hire right – the first time? Start by avoiding these 5 deadly sins of hiring:… Read More »
How Your Competitors are Hiring Their Talent
Did you ever wish you could get a true sense of how well a candidate would perform on the job – BEFORE making a commitment to hire them? With temporary-to-hire staffing, you can. And according to recent numbers, more and more companies across the U.S. are taking advantage of this “try before you buy” approach… Read More »
Pay Attention to What You’re Posting, Or Nobody Else Will
How you represent your company can be as simple as what is included in a job posting. Think about it. Each company has a certain style to its job postings. An established bank has a different tone from a startup technology company. What you say within your posting will determine the type of applicants you… Read More »
Know Who You’re Hiring! Various Types Of Employment Background Checks
The last thing you want, as a boss or a HR manager, is to hire someone with a risky background or a tainted past. And if a candidate has faked expertise, it can set projects back and make you lose face with clients. So what can you do? Consider doing any or all of these… Read More »
How to: Find a New Job While Currently Employed
In the course of your career, it’s likely that you may be employed but interested in finding a position elsewhere. Whether you’re unhappy with your current company or just seeking new opportunities, this can be a difficult situation for many employees to maneuver. How can you successfully search for – and land – a new… Read More »
Age is just a number… or is it?
Since the market collapse of 2008, it’s been a rough go for millions of Americans searching for work—regardless of the industry. As you can imagine, with this many people on the job hunt—and a limited amount of openings—the process can become quite competitive. The amount of experience, education and overall general background will all come… Read More »
Get More Social, Get Better Candidates: How To Use Social Media To Make Your Company More Appealing
By now, you’re probably tired of hearing about social media, but #1, it’s not going anywhere and #2, you need to take advantage of its power. For example, it’s becoming a leading recruitment tool for forward-thinking companies—and forward-thinking companies are attractive to good candidates. So how can you make your business more appealing to candidates through social… Read More »