How to Leverage Job Rejection

Resume Rejection Letter

Getting rejected for the Kansas City job you want is a disappointing and challenging experience. But there is a way to leverage it and gain something positive. Follow these tips next time you get turned down, all so you can secure your next offer faster:

Make yourself memorable.

So you were you told “no” about a particular job. Don’t get defensive or angry at the hiring manager. Make them sorry to see you leave instead. If the message comes across in an email, you can say something like: “I’m disappointed, but of course, understand. When a new opportunity comes up, please don’t hesitate to contact me.” Situations change quickly in the workforce, and you could get a call back in the weeks ahead, especially if you handle yourself with grace and dignity.

Do great work, always.

Perhaps you wanted a full-time job but were only offered a temporary or contract assignment. Don’t get disappointed. Do great work instead. This means going the extra mile in everything you do, meeting, or even beating timelines. Even if you aren’t able to transition it into a full-time opportunity, you’ll make a favorable impression on the manager and your co-workers, which could lead to a new role down the line.

Reflect on your performance.

If the candidate who got the job had five more years of experience than you, there’s not much you can do about that. However, if you faltered in any way during the hiring process, then now’s the time to identify your weaknesses and improve upon those areas, so you don’t get rejected next time.

Stay positive and move forward.

Don’t beat yourself up too much over rejection. It happens to everyone. The trick is to remain positive and keep up your job search. Getting other interviews will help you stay motivated and soften the blow. Also, even if you think you’re a shoo-in for a particular role, don’t stop looking until there’s an offer on the table, and you’re ready to sign on.

Are you interested in getting expert help securing job offers?

At Morgan Hunter, we connect talented candidates like you with some of the top jobs in Kansas City. Call us today to learn more!