Is Burnout the Reason You Hate Your Job? Here’s How to Fix It

Frustrated young man massaging his nose and keeping eyes closed while sitting at his working place in office


When it comes to your career, there are many highs and lows. One of the most common lows is burnout. It can happen to any professional and make Monday mornings a huge drag.

But it doesn’t have to sabotage your career and derail your advancement efforts. In fact, you can learn and grow from the experience, and actually come out ahead because of it. Morgan Hunter, one of Kansas City’s leading employment agencies, explains how:

Learn to say no.

If you’re constantly taking on every optional assignment and project that comes your way, or responding to the requests of others, then it’s no wonder you’re feeling the burn. But it doesn’t have to be that way when you have strong boundaries in place and can learn to say “no” or delegate, at least occasionally.

Talk to your boss.

Crunch times are a reality for everyone. However, if you’re feeling like you’re constantly under the gun with no end in sight, it’s time to talk to your boss. Perhaps they’ve set unrealistic expectations for you, or you’re unclear about the priorities you should be tackling first. Whatever the case, if you’re burning out, it’s up to you to have a conversation with them about their goals for you and what’s realistic.

Ask about more meaningful projects.

What do you like most about your job? Is there a way you could do more of that and less of other activities that are causing stress and burnout? This is another area to talk with your boss about.

Take some time off.

If you have weeks of vacation time saved up and haven’t taken a break in a while, then now’s the time. You might not be able to go away for 10 days. But even a long weekend can often offer the time you need to recharge your batteries and renew your mind. While you’re away, truly tune out and unplug. That means don’t check your email or make work calls. Instead, focus on yourself and those you’re with.

Take good care of yourself.

When you’re not eating well or getting enough sleep, then it could be leading you to your feelings of burn-out. It’s therefore important that you take a step back and make sure you’re living a healthy lifestyle, with plenty of sleep, nutritious food, and stress-reducing activities.

Switch things up.

If you’re constantly going to the same place for lunch or have been sitting at the same desk for years, then it’s time to make a change. Even adding new habits into your daily routine, like going for a walk at lunchtime, can help to offset burnout.

Burnout doesn’t have to rule your day. The bottom line is that when you follow the tips above and proactively strive to contain it, you can stop it from impacting your workday and your life.

Interested in finding a job with less stress or more rewarding responsibilities?

Call the experts at Morgan Hunter. As one of Kansas City’s leading employment agencies, we work with some of the top organizations in the area and can connect you with great opportunities that are the right fit for you. Contact us today to learn more.