Five Ways for Candidates to Build & Maintain a Personal Brand

As leading Kansas City recruiters, Morgan Hunter can tell you that the rules have changed in today’s job market. No longer can you simply find openings you’re interested in, apply to them, and sit back and wait for the phone to ring.

With an oversaturation of qualified candidates out there, you need to make every effort to stand out.

One way to do that? By building and maintaining a strong personal brand. Here are some practical tips you can use to help get you started:

1. Tell a Story 

Whether you have a blog or simply a LinkedIn profile, you need to paint a picture for hiring managers as to who you are as a job candidate. So talk about why you do what you do, what you love about it and trends and challenges you see coming down the pike. Some ways to do this include writing new blog posts and re-posting news articles on LinkedIn with your own introductory commentary.

2. Promote Your Accomplishments

When it comes to hiring, employers are likely going to Google you before they even pick up the phone to schedule an interview. What are they going to find when they do? If it’s a website with relevant work samples, testimonials, case studies and other accomplishments, then you are setting yourself apart from other candidates in an important way.

3. Show You Care 

Nothing turns a hiring manager off faster than speaking negatively or showing little enthusiasm for your career. Today’s employers want to hire people who are excited to go to work, who come to the table with a unique perspective and fresh ideas, and who are genuinely interested in helping a company succeed. To get hired, you need to show you care – about the company and your career.

4. Get Ahead

How are you working to advance your career and increase the value you offer to employers? Are you taking classes, reading books, enrolled in online seminars? Whatever you’re doing, you need to post about it on your social network profiles, as well as talk about it with potential employers so they view you as someone who is eager to learn and prepared to take on new challenges.

5. Stay Professional

You want a potential employer to see you as professional and likeable. But if you’re regularly ranting and raving on your social media profiles, or worse, speaking about people in a derogatory way, it’s going to negatively impact your personal brand. Instead, aim to be insightful and competent. That doesn’t mean you can’t offer bold opinions, it just means you need to be respectful when you do so.

Need more help building a strong personal brand? Give Morgan Hunter a call. 

As leading Kansas City recruiters, we can help you in every aspect of your job search – from building a strong personal brand to uncovering right-fit opportunities. Give us a call if you’d like expert help with your job search.