Your Workplace Culture Can Determine Your Hiring and Recruiting Success

As a leading Kansas City staffing agency, Morgan Hunter knows a workplace culture can make or break a company. It can be a leading driver in the ability to recruit and retain the best. And it can determine just how passionate and productive employees are on any given day, impacting the long term viability of an organization.

So if your company is lacking in the culture department, what can you do to create better conditions? Here are some tips to consider.

Putting people’s strengths to work.

A big part of your employees’ performance depends on how well their strengths align with their job and organizational goals. So put your employees in a position where they will be able to use their strengths. They’ll be happier and more productive.

Invest in your people.

If there are skills gaps present, take the time and resources to invest in your people so they can shore up the gaps. Not only does it send a signal to your employees that your company’s commitment is to its people, but it also makes good business sense. The smarter, more agile, and more knowledgeable your employees are, the better results they will deliver for your company.

Hire for attitude.

Technical aptitude is obviously important, but it also can be learned. Attitude, however, tends to be fixed. You just can’t teach passion, drive, commitment and a strong work ethic. And these are the kinds of characteristics that will make a big impact on how healthy your culture is. So when hiring, look for people who are eager, enthusiastic, and want to do good work.

Hire great managers.

You can have the best employees in the world, but if the people who are managing them are inept, then you’ve got problems. Your managers will shape your teams, how they operate, and ultimately your culture, so ensure your hire carefully and invest the resources necessary to develop great leaders.

Keep teams small.

It’s hard to build a sense of camaraderie when there are dozens of people on a team. That’s why it’s important to keep them small. Everyone gets to know each other on a personal level and the connections will be much stronger.

Communication is key.

Foster communication across teams, departments and throughout the company. Have off-site meetings, company town halls, social events and other get togethers so everyone has a chance to connect. If your company is all about people, then you need to create a personal experience for your employees.

The bottom line is that a strong culture is worth its weight in gold. When you have one, the best and brightest will want to work for your company, driving success and profitability in the long run.

Need Help Recruiting for Your Culture?

As a leading Kansas City staffing agency, Morgan Hunter knows every company has its own unique culture and that it’s critical to find talent that can mesh well with it. If you’re looking to recruit, we have the proven processes and expertise to help you find people who are not only a technical fit, but a cultural one, as well. Contact us today to learn more.