Want to Work at Your Dream Company? Then Sell Yourself to Them!

When thinking about where to eat lunch or what car to buy, many of these decisions are strongly impacted by your perception of the company’s brand. But did you also know that employers can be impacted by your personal career brand when they’re looking to hire and you’re looking for a job?

If not, then now’s the time to start thinking about how to create a brand that sells yourself.

As one of Kansas City’s top employment agencies, Morgan Hunter knows that a strong personal brand can help you convey to a company what makes you special or unique, what key challenges or pains you can help them overcome, and ultimately why they should hire you.

Here are 7 tips to help you craft a personal brand – one that helps you sell yourself to the company you really want to work for:

Tip #1: Think about what makes you unique.

Develop a unique value proposition that simply states what sets you apart from your fellow job seekers. When crafting your value prop, think about your strengths, passions, career goals, and what it is that will make you truly stand out in the eyes of a hiring manager.

Tip #2: Get another perspective.

It’s not always easy to toot your own horn or see what makes you stand out. So ask your colleagues how they would describe you. What are the one or two things you’re really good at? What’s it like to work with you? What unique value do you bring to the table?

Tip #3: Know your goals.

Where are you right now in your career? Where do you want to go in the next year or the next fives years? Branding is about knowing how to position yourself and part of that message should include where you are now and where you want to go.

Tip #4: Polish your resume.

Once you’ve started developing your personal career brand, make sure your resume aligns with it.

Tip #5: Network online…and offline.

With the advent of sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, networking has never been easier. So make sure you get on board with these sites and start making connections with people relevant to your career. Also, if you’re looking for a new job, let your network know. Most new jobs are secured through referrals and word of mouth.

That said, don’t forget about traditional face-to-face contact either. Tout your personal brand in person at industry events, tradeshows, or by volunteering in the community.

Tip #6: Create your own personal website or blog.

Content management systems like WordPress make creating websites and blogs simple for those of us without IT degrees and skills. Your website should focus on you, not the company you work for, and it should promote your accomplishments, strengths, goals, and passions. If you have time to commit to a blog, then publish insightful articles on a regular weekly basis that will resonate with your target audience.

Tip #7: Remember the fundamentals.

You can create the best personal brand in the world, but if you don’t dress or act the part, then it’s not going to get you very far. So make sure you always look professional, treat others with respect, show up on time at meetings, and convey a positive attitude. Otherwise, you’ll undermine all your efforts.

Need Help Finding Your Next Great Job?

If you do, let Morgan Hunter know. As one of Kansas City’s top employment agencies, we work with leading companies throughout the metro area and region, matching talented individuals with growing, thriving organizations. And we can help you too. Contact us today to learn more.