Interviewing Entry Level IT Talent: Top Tips to Keep in Mind

Hiring entry level talent for your IT positions? Don’t bring just anyone on board. Before you hire, make sure your top pick candidates nail it during the interview in the following areas:

Professional courtesy.

Did a candidate saunter in 10 minutes late and offer no explanation? Cross them off the list immediately! If this is the kind of behavior they showcase during an interview, then just imagine what they’ll be like once hired.


A solid candidate will walk through the door, look you in the eye and firmly shake your hand. While this doesn’t sound like a big deal, it really is because it indicates a sense of confidence. And what would you rather have? A confident employee who knows what they’re doing, or a weak one that needs lots of hand holding.

While this clearly isn’t the only factor to consider when hiring (technical skills are vital too), it’s certainly a trait the strongest candidates – i.e. those with growth potential – will bring to the table.

Intelligence gathering. 

As one of the leading IT staffing agencies in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter knows a smart candidate will do their homework before coming to an interview. They will check out both the company and you individually on LinkedIn and Twitter. They’ll read news articles about the organization and issues impacting your industry. And they’ll review your website and have a grasp on what your company does.


The best candidates will want to know all about your company and the position. They will wonder why you’re hiring, what a typical day is like at the company, why the previous person holding the position left, what the culture is like, and more. If a candidate comes in with no questions to ask, then they’re probably just looking for any job…not your job.


Skills can be learned and developed; passion cannot. So when interviewing candidates, ask questions about hobbies or what they’re passionate about. Those who are generally more passionate people will have plenty of interests, will be more eager to learn, and, as a result, will be able to contribute more to your company in the long run.

Technical capabilities.

The most passionate, curious, confident person is going to fall apart on the job if they don’t have the required hard skills to perform in your IT position. So be sure to ask plenty of questions that enable you to assess skill set – and don’t let candidates get away with one-word answers. Dig deeper with follow up questions, like “tell me more about that project,” “why do you think that was?,” and “what would you have done differently?”

The competition for IT talent is fierce. But if you don’t take the time to properly interview entry level candidates – and instead just settle for a warm body to fill an empty seat – you will live to regret it. Hiring takes time and entry level candidates can be particularly hard to assess. So make sure you do all you can to uncover the “real” candidate during the job interview.

If you need more help with the hiring process, call Morgan Hunter. As one of the leading IT staffing agencies in Kansas City, we specialize in recruiting technology professionals, including entry level ones. All candidates are rigorously screened by our consultants to ensure their technical compatibility, and to identify the personality traits that will allow them to blend smoothly into your organization.

Contact us today to learn more.