Tips for Handling a Panel Job Interview

As leading Kansas City recruiters, Morgan Hunter knows that being interviewed by one hiring manager for a job is stressful enough. But the anxiety gets ratcheted up a few notches when there’s a whole panel involved. Oftentimes, it can feel like more of an interrogation and less of a job interview.

To help ensure you handle the situation with poise – and make a great impression in the process – here are a few tips to consider:

Ask Who’s on the Panel

When you get the call for an interview, ask about whom you’ll be interviewing with. Once you know, you can get a better sense of the kinds of questions you’ll be asked. For instance, a panel consisting mostly of HR professionals is going to ask different questions than one that includes your potential new boss and peers.

Also, once you get the names of the people on the panel, research them ahead of time on the web. For instance, look to sites like LinkedIn to see if you have any common connections with them. Even if you don’t, preparing ahead and knowing more about each of their backgrounds will make you feel more confident and comfortable walking into the panel interview.

Stay Calm

It can be easy to feel like a deer in the headlights when being interviewed by a panel. But take a deep breath and keep your cool. Look at the situation as more of a conversation and less of an inquisition. Focus on having a conversation and trying to establish a common ground with each of the interviewers.

Bring Your Background to Life

One way to come across as more of a ‘real’ person’ and less of ‘just another candidate’ is to tell a story about how you handled a difficult situation or produced great results. Make sure you walk them through the background, what you did to solve the problem and the results achieved. When you offer these kinds of specific examples that are relevant to the job, panel members will have an easier time envisioning you within their company doing the same.

Engage All Panel Members 

It’s easy to simply speak to and make eye contact with those asking the questions. But it could be the quiet ones who are making the decisions. So make an effort to engage each and every person on the panel.

Don’t Forget About the Basics

As with any interview, panel or one-on-one, you should always bring along multiple copies of your resume; dress professionally; arrive on time; and be prepared to ask thoughtful questions about the company and the job.

Need More Help Preparing for Interviews?

If you do, let Morgan Hunter know. As leading Kansas City recruiters, we can help you in every aspect of your job search – from finding opportunities and preparing for interviews to negotiating compensation. Give us a call if you’d like some expert help with your job search.