Start 2013 Off Right: Implement an Employee Wellness Program

Wellness programs have been in the news a lot lately as a way for employers to cut health care costs. But what are they really – and can your Kansas City company benefit from implementing one in 2013? Here’s the scoop:

What’s an Employee Wellness Program?

As a leading staffing services firm in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter can tell you that an employee wellness program is exactly what it sounds like; a program put in place in order to help employees improve or maintain their health and wellness. Most employers have wellness programs that are tailored to their unique needs, but they can include features such as:

  • Weight management counseling
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Stress management resources
  • Health coaching
  • Smoking cessation programs
  • On-sit flu shots and cancer screenings

Why Should You Implement One?

There are many good reasons to implement an employee wellness program in 2013. For instance, a wellness program can help you:

  • Save money. Many employers are rightly concerned with the rising cost of health insurance and an increase in chronic illness among Americans. But even though a wellness program will require an initial investment, it can actually help save you money in the long run. In fact, according to a study by the University of Michigan from January 1999 through December 2007, a Midwestern utility company realized a net savings of $4.8 million in employee health and lost work time costs through their wellness program.
  • Improve retention. When employees are healthier, they can experience more happiness and increased job satisfaction. This can lead to an increase in retention because employees don’t want to leave behind perks and benefits that are helping them.
  • Enhance productivity. The culture of an organization is a powerful influence and can be used to encourage employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle. For instance, employees may feel more motivated to access resources that help them lose weight, quit smoking, or lower their stress levels. The result is a healthier and more productive employee.
  • Attract talent. Top talent wants to work for visionary companies that have positive work cultures. Offering robust benefits through a wellness program can help you attract them to work for your company. Even better, once they’re on board, wellness programs have also been shown to reduce conflict and enhance morale.

Need Help Attracting Todays’s Top Talent?

Whether you have a wellness program in place or not, if you need help attracting top talent, call Morgan Hunter. As a leading staffing services firm in Kansas City, we spend time understanding your company’s unique needs and locating the right people for your organization – with guaranteed results.

Contact Morgan Hunter today to learn more.