You know that creativity results in new products, service innovations, and more efficient processes…but did you also know that you may be hindering it with your actions?
To help you determine whether you’re killing creativity in the workplace, here are 5 signs to be on the lookout for:
Sign #1: You always take the “safe” approach.
If you regularly reject ideas because they’re different from what you’ve done in the past, then you’re hindering creativity, innovation, and ultimately, growth. Creativity generally involves some risk-taking, not maintaining the status quo. So you need to take the limits off your employees so they can work outside the typical boundaries.
Sign #2: Timelines and budget always take precedence.
Of course, timelines and budgets are important; however, if they’re forcing your employees to work within an unrealistic timeframe and with barely any resources, your team will wind up burned out and frustrated. Not a great recipe for creativity and innovation.
Sign #3: You don’t encourage a change of scenery.
The best ideas oftentimes don’t happen at work; they happen when you’re out for a walk, in the shower, or making dinner. For some reason, a change of scenery – and of focus – tends to inspire great ideas. So if you want your employees to be more creative, encourage them to get outside – i.e. go for a walk, hit the gym, or go out to lunch.
Sign #4: You limit diversity.
Everyone’s going to get along just great if they’re all from the same work backgrounds. But that’s not going to do much to inspire creativity because they’ll likely have the same or similar experiences and may not be comfortable disagreeing with each other. So when it comes time to hire, consider hiring those from differing backgrounds, or even from a completely different industry.
Sign #5: You require everyone to work the same way.
Some people do their best thinking first thing in the morning; others at night. The point is that everyone thinks differently…so why should your employees have to all work the same way? Instead encourage some flexibility with how people work; if an employee is producing good work, don’t set limits on how they’re getting it done.
Need Help Hiring Creative Individuals?
Let us know. As one of the leading marketing staffing firms in Kansas City, Morgan Hunter has the resources and first-hand industry knowledge to connect you with highly qualified, high-caliber, creative individuals – whether you need a top-notch art director or an experienced interactive producer. Contact us today to learn more.